Introducing Burger, our September Pet of the Month. He’s quite a character! If you’re interested in submitting your pet for feature on our blog and social media please visit this page.

“Burger is the elder statesman of our house at 15 years old. He lives with two other cats, two dogs, and two humans. We don’t know much about his younger years because he came to us as a rescue after being re-homed several times. Apparently nobody wanted him which we couldn’t understand at all! He is a charming, charismatic love bug, with a bit of a mischievous streak (and he’s beautiful!!).

It was love at first sight and we promised him he would never have to know homelessness again cause wherever we go, he goes—and so he has! We can’t imagine our home without him. He loves to cuddle and has to touch both of us at the same time, he quacks like a duck when he wants something, and is extra dramatic when startled. He likes to walk on you when you’re sleeping and it feels like a watermelon wearing stilettos. He likes to head butt your mug of coffee first thing in the morning. If you try to oversleep when it’s time for his insulin he will sit on your chest and slap you across the face with his paw.

All of our pets have unique personalities, but as rescues they’ve also come with quite a few health problems. We have taken our pets to Ann Arbor Animal hospital for 8 years now, or in Heather’s case since she was a little girl with her very first cat! We are so grateful for the vets and staff at Ann Arbor Animal hospital for the excellent care they have provided for all our pets. They always go above and beyond, especially with the amazing bandages! Thank you so much!”

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Ann Arbor Animal Hospital is a locally-owned animal hospital operating for over 90 years in Ann Arbor, MI.