As your dog or cat ages and matures from puppy or kitten, its body changes too and as a result, both its nutritional and veterinary medical needs change. Through practicing preventive medicine, our goal is to keep your adult dog or cat happy and healthy during the prime years of his or her life. With the goal of prevention in mind, our veterinarians created Preventive Health Plans designed specifically for dogs and cats in the Adult Life-Stage to help ensure they live longer, happier and healthier lives.

For the one-year enrollment period, our Adult PHP’s include unlimited physical examinations, vaccinations and diagnostic tests that allow our veterinarians to screen for parasites, help detect metabolic diseases, assess organ function and identify if an infection is present. With the Adult PHP’s having a focus on prevention, our goal is to diagnose potential health issues prior to them becoming more expensive to resolve or before developing into a life-threatening situation.

The Adult Life-stage PHP’s also come with options for dentistry services. Our hope is to reduce the chances of your pet developing a periodontal disease or incurring a more costly dental procedure because an oral health issue was not detected early on.

Below are links for PHP’s for adult dogs and cats:IMG_7940

Adult Dog Plan

Adult Dog with Dental Level 1 Plan

Adult Dog with Dental Level 2 Plan

Adult Cat Plan

Adult Cat with Dental Level 1 Plan

Adult Cat with Dental Level 2 Plan