by Julia Levitt

Hi everyone and welcome to spring!

Spring, like every other season, brings challenges. Here are a few tips to be aware of this time of year.

Daylight Saving TimeWhat,” you ask, “What does this have to do with my dog?” With the current time change, in the morning it is still dark. It is important to be especially careful with your spring clothes when walking— and for your pooch, too. Wear reflective and light colored clothes so you can be seen by oncoming cars. I wear a vest that has LED flashing lights on the back of it. Reflective collars are available for your pup; some even have lights on them. When walking, walk in the direction of traffic, not against it. Whenever possible walk on the sidewalk, not in the street.

Mud Yes, mud is everywhere. So is salt. It is handy to keep a towel next to the door you enter and exit after you walk to wipe the pup’s feet, and a long-haired dog still might get icicles in its coat.

Squirrels, like mud, are everywhere too! Make sure you are using a good, sturdy leash. I prefer leather so if the pup pulls, the leather will not burn your hand.

Am I forgetting anything? Oh yes, get out and enjoy this beautiful weather. Happy Spring!

Julia walking dogs


Julia is owner of In Harmony Dog Training. She partners with the Animal Hospital to help your dog become a “model citizen” at home and in the community.