Our Blog
Summer Foods & Your Pets
They’re delicious to us, but potentially dangerous for your dog!
When it Heats Up, Watch Out For Heat Stroke
Every owner should be extra attuned to their pets during the hot summer months. Heat stroke is a very serious matter and a prompt response can often be the difference between life and death.
Summer Safety Tips For Pets
Summer is great, but our furry friends may face some familiar dangers. Here are some summer safety tips for pets from Ann Arbor Animal Hospital.
Noise Anxiety: Tips for a Wonderful 4th of July With Your Pets
The 4th of July is right around the corner, and the loud sounds may cause noise anxiety in our pets. Here are some warning signs to look for, and suggestions on how to help your pet deal with it!
Corn Cobs, Bones, and Scraps Oh My!!!
As we gather together with friends and family in the coming days and weeks of summer, let’s remember a few things to keep our pets safe.
Tips for Anxious Pets on the Fourth of July
Independence Day can be the highlight of the summer for us, but for pets—especially anxious ones—it can be terrifying. Read on for ideas one how to help them!
Pickup Procedure for Controlled Substances
We are not able to pre-fill prescriptions for controlled substances, so they must be picked up from our front desk.
Easter lilies and cats don’t mix
If you suspect your cat may have ingested any part of a lily, it is imperative that you take it to a veterinarian immediately for emergency care, and tell the vet of your suspicions. If caught in time, the problems can be arrested and renal function restored; if not, permanent kidney damage can result and death becomes likely.
Urgent Care is Available 7 Days a Week
From minor boo-boos to serious injuries, Ann Arbor Animal Hospital’s Emergency team is available to meet your pet’s urgent care and emergency needs, every day.
Our Overnight ER Service Will be Shutting Down on March 14th
With great sadness, we’re saying goodbye to our ER Service. Our Primary and Urgent Care services will continue to provide patients with the best care possible!