We don’t have a Meijer-sized parking lot here at AAAH and the lot we do have is DSC00288very well lit, but what about when we find ourselves walking alone to our cars elsewhere in low light at night? Do we have what it takes to defend ourselves?

The Hospital hosted an employee event on-premise that addressed a very serious issue, personal assault, with outside-of-work educational fun and we all picked up tips and methods for defending ourselves. Rodney Partridge, owner of Rodney Partridge Enterprises Inc and an MMA fighter and promoter, was kind enough to volunteer his time and expertise for this event. We walked away with greater confidence and a special gift from Rodney: a brass knuckle key chain!

class punching


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Ann Arbor Animal Hospital is a locally-owned animal hospital operating for over 90 years in Ann Arbor, MI.